Gestatten – Garren Holley, Head Coach Munich Cowboys GFL Team!

Er ist seit Ende 2017 der Head Coach des Munich Cowboys GFL Teams und hat mit seinem Coaching Staff das Football Programm kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt. Im Interview gibt Garren Holley Aufschluss über den aktuellen Stand, die Entwicklungen und die Zusammenarbeit im Verein. Dabei erläutert er auch Zielsetzungen für die kommenden Monate.

Munich Cowboys Media (MCM): 2020 has been a hard year for all teams from the Munich Cowboys. In which state is the Seniors team? What is the status quo concerning names and numbers?

Garren Holley (GH): 2020 was definitely a unique year in terms of football. The Seniors program consisting of the GFL and MC2 teams actually got stronger in 2020. We were able to increase the depth in the program. We added quality talent from the Munich area and incoming players moving to Munich for personal reasons. We retained our GFL all-star level talent, as well as some up and coming talent from our MC2 team and U19 team, looking to debut in the GFL. The same can be said for the coaching staff. We are deep with 19 coaches in the seniors program. Quality experienced coaches and several young, teachable, and motivated coaches. 

MCM: You started to create a growing football program in Munich with the goals of being successful and constantly increasing the quality of the teams. What are the basics for this program? In which phase of development are we?

GH: Yes, upon arriving in 2017 and assessing the status of the club it was simple. The goal was to mend the fractured relationship with the GFL team and the other teams in the club. We have been able to achieve that goal in the course of 4 years. Our U19 talent is staying with the program. If they leave it’s to pursue their personal goals of playing in the US, which we have so many student-athletes doing now. Or they have to leave Munich for school. Winter 2019 we unveiled our plan to combine our 2 men’s teams into one. And truly act as one team/program. But have the understanding a GFL and Regional League teams will be fielded from the group. 

MCM: The German Football League had some major changes in 2020. There is now an elected league board, all members from the clubs. There is a new structure to strengthen the league marketing and also to bring together all the positive energy of the clubs. What do you think about this development? 

GH: I believe it is a solid development. It shows that from the top, the leadership in place are aware of the concerns about the League. And people are being put in place to make change. Ideas are being shared. The work is being done. Many fail to understand change, and how it truly works. We are in a society that wants instant gratification. 


MCM: Players will be enthusiastic about playing games in 2021. Plans are on having a slightly shorter season. What are your goals with the team?  

GH: The goals are simple. Control what we can control. Be the most physically and mentally strong team. Be the most prepared team. Take it one game at a time. Put ourselves in a position to play in the postseason. Control our own destiny. 

MCM: How would you describe the support of the youth program for the seniors teams? What is the intention there?

GH: The support is amazing. I can’t speak enough positives of our youth program. The staff and parents have been phenomenal in all teams. When you look at the up and coming talent, the talent we have in the seniors program form the past years, and our kids playing in the US. It speaks for itself the quality youth work being done in the club. 

As stated before, the goal is to keep these kids with the club from start to finish. And to support, nurture, and guide them to achieve their goals. 

MCM: What are your personal goals for 2021?

GH: Personally, I just want to get started. Get back on the field with my staff and players. Get some games this year. We have a lot of talent to showcase. We have made great developments. We are hungry to show them off. 

MCM: Thank you for this interview.